Water is a fundamental human need. Polluted water isn’t just dirty—it’s deadly. Some 1.8 million people die every year of diarrheal diseases like Cholera. Introducing the most premium gravity based water purifier in the world, the RAMA Gravity. With a TEN YEARS WARRANTY ON THE HOUSING, The RAMA Gravity is constructed entirely of 304 grade steel, mirror polished to perfection, the BEST IN THE WORLD. RAMA has pioneered and perfected the Gravity over 60 years, exporting them worldwide. The RAMA Gravity INCLUDES RAMA SPIRIT ceramic cartridges that are manufactured using UK technology, introduced for the first time in India. The RAMA Spirit removes 99.99% of all pathogenic bacteria and 100% of all germs, cysts and impurities. Diseases such as Cholera, Typhoid, Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, Dysentery, E.Coli infections and many more may be prevented by drinking safe, clean water from the RAMA Gravity. The RAMA Spirit is also impregnated with silver within the ceramic structure, and contains high quality coconut based activated carbon that removes all harmful chemicals such as chlorine, pesticides, etc. The end result is pure, odor-free, safe and crystal-clear drinking water that retains essential minerals required for your body. Think the best water purifier, think RAMA.